Prometheus, in classical mythology, embodies the archetype of a benevolent deity who defied divine decree to gift humanity with the flame of knowledge. As a modern Prometheus, an allegorical figure could be one who unlocks the mysteries of science and innovation, offering humanity the means to transcend its limitations.
In the contemporary context, the question arises: do we require a modern Prometheus? The answer lies in the delicate balance between progress and responsibility. While the pursuit of knowledge and technological advancements is essential, it necessitates a guiding force to ensure ethical application and prevent unforeseen consequences.
A modern Prometheus, embodying the spirit of wisdom, could indeed guide us towards solutions for pressing global challenges. Whether in the realms of climate change, pandemics, or ethical dilemmas arising from technological prowess, a benevolent figure could illuminate pathways to navigate the intricate tapestry of progress.
Yet, the cautionary tale of Prometheus warns against unchecked ambition. The flame of knowledge, when wielded irresponsibly, can unleash destructive forces. Thus, a modern Prometheus must not only gift us with enlightenment but also instill a sense of ethical stewardship, ensuring that the flame serves humanity rather than consuming it.
In essence, humanity stands at a crossroads where the need for a modern Prometheus is evident. The quest for knowledge, innovation, and progress is innate, but it requires a guiding hand to illuminate the way forward. A figure embodying benevolence, wisdom, and ethical foresight could be the beacon humanity needs to navigate the complexities of the modern age.
PROMETHEUS II / 2023 / Oak
Width 39 cm / 15.5′
Height 66 cm / 25′ (without a base)
Depth 22 cm / 8.5’